Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I can already tell that 2010 is going to be full of surprises and craziness! That is okay, it keeps things interesting. I'm looking forward to starting my Spring 2010 semester, I'm nearing completion and although I will not be graduating this May, I will be graduating next year. Some important things to mention, after this semester, I will have the hardest classes out of the way. I'll have to follow up with a couple technical elective classes, a general education and my last manufacturing class. I'm so excited and very much so looking forward to being done and having that Bachelors.

I would like to take a moment and mention how important life is and how we must cherish those around us. Life can be so short and full of surprises. We must thank those around us and appreciate what they have to offer. I know that I love my friends and family very much and I'm thankful for those around me. You all bring strength and happiness to my life and I hope that I can only bring a fraction of the happiness ya'll do. (little Texan for my friend Larry) But I mean it and I know it is a little mushy, but you know who you are and I'm thankful.

Now lets Rock this 2010! Year 2000 didn't get us and neither will 2010!

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