Just wanted to let everyone know that we are all alive and well. Michelle's parents were in town all week. That was fun. They returned home to sunny Arizona after a week in the snow. We also purchased their '97 WT 1500 Chevy for camping purposes. We hooked it up to the trailer and drove it around for a little while. It accomplished 2 things, making sure it was going to work...it will...and also making us really really wanting to go camping. =)
Other then that, my birthday is coming up and I have a super busy week of school stuff. Which really sucks. But, I cannot put a whole semester behind me for one day. I'll party with Michelle and the family starting Friday night. Other then that, I will have to do what I can. I will actually end up spending my birthday night at the U studying for a Mechatronics test that I have the following morning. Oh well...that is the life of a student.
happy birthday!
btw, what the heck is mechatronics?
Yeah, happy birthday dude. That explains who's white POS is parked up there in the circle! Haha -- totally joking! That's cool that you have something to pull the trailer. Good times.
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