Monday, April 20, 2009

Alive and Well

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are all alive and well. Michelle's parents were in town all week. That was fun. They returned home to sunny Arizona after a week in the snow. We also purchased their '97 WT 1500 Chevy for camping purposes. We hooked it up to the trailer and drove it around for a little while. It accomplished 2 things, making sure it was going to will...and also making us really really wanting to go camping. =)

Other then that, my birthday is coming up and I have a super busy week of school stuff. Which really sucks. But, I cannot put a whole semester behind me for one day. I'll party with Michelle and the family starting Friday night. Other then that, I will have to do what I can. I will actually end up spending my birthday night at the U studying for a Mechatronics test that I have the following morning. Oh well...that is the life of a student.


Unknown said...

happy birthday!
btw, what the heck is mechatronics?

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

Yeah, happy birthday dude. That explains who's white POS is parked up there in the circle! Haha -- totally joking! That's cool that you have something to pull the trailer. Good times.