For a little background here, at the University of Utah it is a requirement for graduation that you pass a National Engineering Test. It is called the FE Exam, short for Fundamentals of Engineering. The test is only given 2 times a year and every Engineering student that has signed up for it across the Nation takes it on the same day at their location of choice, for us this year it was at the Salt Palace Convention Center. I didn't talk to many people there, but I had talked to the lady sitting next to me for a moment and she had come up from Cedar City with a few other people.
A little about the test, it consists of a 4 hour morning session and a 4 hour afternoon session, 120 questions and 60 questions respectively. There are strict rules, such as only using their pencil, no hats, absolutely no cell phones/pdas, hats, etc. We arrive at 7:15a, wait for 30 minutes why others straggle in, they explain and pass out books. Then you do it again when the pick up the books, goto lunch, wait, pass out the books, in short, it was very time consuming. Getting there around 7a, I left just before 6p. A very crazy test with many questions in a short time. The only reference we are allowed is a 240 page book of equations basically. I took this test back in October, 25th to be exact. The results take 6-8 weeks.
After a long and patient wait, I got those results on Dec. 16th, I'll go into those details in another post, but for now, lets just say I will NOT be taking this test again, since I got a PASS. I'm very pleased, I took it early enough that I had not taken a couple classes that consist of about 5-10% of the test.
Way to go Bry! Congrats! Glad to know there are big brains under all that hair! :)
WAHOO!!!!!! Congrats.
yay,congrats on the test! What a huge accomplishment, that is so awesome.
Congrats Bryon on passing it. I know when I took the CPA exam it was like having my spleen removed with a toothpick. Way to go, so do you get a cool acronym behind your name now?
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