Well it has been good. The holidays were awesome and the new year was celebrated with friends and good times. A week of work under my belt I guess it is time to get back to the school thing. So close my teeth almost hurt and I can certainly see light...I know it is light, small, but light. =)
No resolutions, just things I'm going to to better at. One of which is getting the hang of the layout on the blog. This horrible design keeps coming back to haunt me. I have some how overwritten the default background and no matter what I do it keeps coming back. Maybe I'll talk one of my blogging friends to help me...what do you say Mae or Sis Porter?
Well it's a school night, I shouldn't be up too late. =)
Um, I am the very last person you should be asking for help with anything to do with computers. Seriously. I really like the new layout though.
Sis. Porter? Excuse me? Since when did you start calling me Sis. Porter? Uh - that's my mother-in-law thank you! (who is fabulous btw -- but still!) I don't know why u think I'm a pro at this, but I don't know how much I can help you! Ask away & if I can help I will - but it's just been all trial & error for this gal! I like what you've done w/it though.
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