Sunday, November 2, 2008

The "I" post...

I have seen a few friends do this. So I decided I wanted to do it also. I think it really helps you look at yourself and see what is happening in your life. I think it is soul searching and very informative.

I am: who I am.
I know: life is awesome even will trials.
I want: many things.
I have: much love of friends and family.
I dislike: a lot, especially vegetables.
I miss: the time spent away from my family.
I feel: busy, so many things to do and so little time.
I hear: my daughter reading and birds chirping.
I smell: fresh....I showered today.
I crave: fun.
I cry: when I watch my daughter do amazing things.
I search: using Google.
I wonder: what it will be like when I have my degree.
I regret: having debt.
I love: Michelle, Morgenn, Family and Friends.
I care: for everyone.
I worry: not often, its too stressful.
I remember: that I have so many years to grow and learn.
I believe: I can do anything.
I dance: like a freak.
I don't: eat onions.
I argue: any chance I get.
I write: memos, memos and more memos.
I win: unless I'm up against Michelle.
I lose: most of the games I play.
I wish: upon a star...but all other things are for me to accomplish.
I listen: to everyone.
I can usually be found: at work or at school.
I am scared: of not growing and becoming stagnant.
I need: love.
I forget: everything unless I email myself or add it to a list.
I am happy:most of the time.

1 comment:

YW ROCK said...

Some of your "I" things surprised me and some I already knew, for instance the playing with Michelle, we all know that she wins!!!
Hope your floors are going well. Did you get them done? Now since you are a pro, you can come and help us with ours when we get them, right??
You guys rock!!