Tuesday, September 9, 2008

attack of the schnauzers

Michelle and I for sometime have been saying we wanted a blog so that we can keep in touch with family and friends easier. We have multiple friends with their blogs and they all do a great job in adding things and sharing their lives. They also have catchy names and I could never think of something cool that would represent our family and what we are about.

Well today, we have one!

The story behind it started with Michelle waking me up this morning saying something was wrong with one of the dogs and that they might have been stuck. So I get out of bed and put flip flops...I like to call them thongs, but I get in trouble...so I'm outside looking real "guud" and they were not stuck, rather they had trapped a animal under the tongue of our 4 wheeler trailer. So I call them off and get them in the house and Odin's beard is full of mud and blood. So I get him cleaned off as much as possible to make sure he isn't bleeding or hurt and I do not see anything.

At this point, I need to find out what is out there, there was way too much blood for it to be a mouse...plus it was making a cry for help that I had never heard and was too loud for a small rodent. So I take the princess flashlight out there and lift the tongue up and this hideous thing runs out...not really, it wasn't hideous, but it did take off. It looked like a squirrel or prairie dog. Oh well. I go back in since it is early and I can still make it to work on time. I wanted to make sure the dogs were good to go for the day so I let them out before I leave for work. And what do I hear within minutes....you go it...they cornered the thing again. So I get out there and call them off, again.

By this point Michelle is worried about the dogs and we end up calling animal control to make sure things are alright, they add us to the list and I wait. They really didn't take long to get there, it was not more then a few minutes after I finished getting ready that West Jordan Animal Control arrived. So, we went into the backyard and it was still trapped where the dogs had left it the second time. They attempted to cage the animal but it hobbled off because it has only 3 legs. We ended up finding the other leg in the yard near the trailer.

We rooted through the weeds near the gate and we were unable to find it, it must have taken off, I let the dogs back out while I rooted through with a shovel and we didn't turn anything else up.

So that was my morning and I wasn't even that late to work...I still clocked in by 8:30A and the start of the killerschnauzers blog!


James said...

Those are some killer dogs. All my cat kills are birds and then he eats half of them, yummy!

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

That's hilarious! I actually saw the animal patrol car down by your house when was getting the kids off to school- I figured it was one of your neighbor's cop cars. Thanks for letting us know about your blog - we'll be checkin in on ya!

YW ROCK said...

That is sick!! I can't believe there is a three legged creature hobbling along out there by our yards. But way to go Odin and Thor!! THey are such good protectors. I am glad you got a blog. It is so much fun checking everyones and seeing how people are doing. Have you checked out the soccer one? wjtigersoccer.blogspot.com
see ya later.

YW ROCK said...

sorry, obviously you have checked out the soccer one. Should of read all your stuff first.

Eric and Hayley said...

Hi I'm Hayley, Eric's wife (you go to school together), I do most of the blog reading:)...Thanks for letting us in on your new blog! I loved the part about the princess flashlight, that was great!

Cindy said...

I like to say thongs too!